Sphynx Labs

Type of Work:
Decentralized Web App
Technologies Used:
React.js, Express.js, Node.js, MongoDB (MERN), Solidity, IPFS
November 4, 2021
Link to Platform:


Sphynx Labs is a huge web app that has a bunch of platforms like a multichain DEX, several kinds of Bridges, Launchpads, farming, and staking portals all with charts, graphs, and information integrated.
Real-Time Analytics and Reporting: Detailed analytics and reporting tools across all platforms, providing users with real-time data on trading volumes, liquidity, yield rates, and other key metrics through interactive charts and graphs.
Multichain Decentralized Exchange (DEX): A feature-rich DEX supporting multiple blockchain networks, allowing users to trade a wide variety of tokens seamlessly, with real-time price charts, trading volume data, and transaction history.
Cross-Chain Bridges: Secure bridges that enable users to transfer assets between different blockchain networks efficiently. The bridges come with detailed transaction tracking, historical data, and status updates.
Launchpads and Farming/Staking Portals: Dedicated sections for participating in new token launches and earning rewards through farming and staking. These portals provide detailed analytics, including performance charts, APY calculations, and staking history, ensuring users have all necessary information to make informed decisions.